New Feature: DARK MODE

As the creator, I spend a lot of time here on ROE and know the strain that computer screens can have on the eyes. But there may be another good reason to use Dark Mode.

The moment I first used a device with an OLED display, I knew there was something I liked about it but didn’t know why. I soon came to realize it is it’s simplicity. An OLED display uses less energy in Dark Mode. At the time it wasn’t widely used, however it has gained in popularity. Meaning Dark Mode may not save too much energy in older phones, but it is in the future for a more sustainable device.

Being the coder that I am and wanting to care for the earth can feel very contradicting at times. Much like how humans can feel that their small actions can’t make a difference. But let’s imagine this: If I, a consumer of goods, never experience the contrast to receive the desire to create goods that come from a place of intention, then it would never manifest. In other words if we send out the message to the universe that we want a more sustainable, more loving, more intention driven goods then we will manifest it. And sometimes it looks like Dark Mode.

Overall my intention with Dark Mode, and with all my programming practices is to tell the universe what I want to see in the world so that it manifests.

As a coder, I do my best to do my part to create energy efficient websites.

May your eyes and your hearts stay at ease with Dark Mode.

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